Misuse of confidence set I found in a literature

I found some writings (prominently on the web) that mention a sort of confidence set (c.f. confidence interval) with the ratio of coverage at which the concerned parameter is believed to belong to the set.

Assume we have observed a sample x_1,\ldots,x_n with a sample statistic y=y(x_1,\ldots,x_n). Further we are given a random set C(Y) based on the statistic Y to estimate a parameter \theta.

Then, what does it mean by saying C(y) is a p% confidence set for \theta? In other words, over which distribution the probability p, at which the \theta is confidently covered by C(y), is evaluated?

Note that the parameter \theta is fixed and unknown (to be estimated). Then for each observation x, the derived set C(y(x)) determines whether \theta\in C(y(x)) or not, which is just an indicator taking a value of 1 or 0, as a probability.

Assuming x ranges over the sample space \Omega, then \theta\in C(y(x)) for some x\in\Omega and not for the others. In this case, we can naively define (replace the integral with sum for discrete random variable X)

    \[\tau(\theta) = P(\theta\in C(Y)\mid \theta) = \int_\Omega I_{C(y(x))}(\theta) \, f_X(x)dx\]

as a measurement of “well-coveredness” of \theta by C, where f_X is the distribution function of X. This is equivalent to define \tau by the conditional expectation E_\Chi[I_{C(Y)}(\theta)\mid\theta] over the distribution X.

The confusion comes when y is derived from an observation and therefore fixed. As noted above, P(\theta\in C(y)\mid \theta)\in\{1,0\} holds indeed.

This is just a memo, not to claim a sort of insight or discovery. Caveat!